Arne Goedeke wrote:
I have a copy of the bugless git repo that compiles but has a missing specs file. I put one there (replacing the path and such) but cannot build cmods using pike -x:
The repo was (and is) a complete snapshot of CVS. So I'd be a bit puzzled if you find missing files.
The module builds correctly using a pike 7.6. Also.. whats the url of a current working git repo, I got mine using rsync and cannot update because origin seems to be old/wrong.
For development use: git clone git:// Or to update an existing clone: git fetch git:// Or to update a very specific branch: git fetch git:// 7.7:7.7
Alternately using rsync, but that is only recommended when you want the fully history-corrected tree (still WIP (Work In Progress)): mkdir pike/.git rsync -av rsync:// pike/.git/.