What happens if the dependency on TPIKE_TARGETS is simply removed?
The dependencies file might not be complete then since it could lack complete dependencies for peep_engine.c, case_info.h and treeopt.h.
All other initial Pike dependencies can be solved by using the system Pike, why not dependency creation?
It's only indirectly from the dependency creation. The reliance on tpike is in the old targets for peep_engine.c etc, which as I said have historical reasons.
But I vaguely recall that there could be some situations where the tpike stuff still is useful; in some combination of cross compiling and old "system" pikes or somesuch. I don't remember exactly.
One way to solve it is to include the dependency files in CVS.
Autogenerated files doesn't belong in cvs.
force_autoconfig or force_configure doesn't clear dependencies what I can see?
I mentioned those just as general remedies for problems of this kind. They probably don't work in your particular case since the configure script doesn't zap the dependencies file if it exists. Then it's probably necessary to use the final fallback srcclean, which always should be thorough enough to resolve any problem with bogus autogenerated files.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-01-05 22:47: Subject: depend
What happens if the dependency on TPIKE_TARGETS is simply removed? All other initial Pike dependencies can be solved by using the system Pike, why not dependency creation?
One way to solve it is to include the dependency files in CVS. That way they will get updated when CVS is updated.
force_autoconfig or force_configure doesn't clear dependencies what I can see? I reran autoconfig and configure (manually) before I got caught in the catch 22.
/ Mirar