Well, I don't really disagree. I think it's really a chicken and egg problem... it's usually good to have some third party presenters on the schedule, but it's hard to get them without having a schedule. I also believe that having a shorter program lends itself to a schedule earlier in advance, as you're not trying to fill up the additional days.
At this point, I think I could probably put together a 2.5 day program without a lot of trouble, assuming that one or more core developers showed up.
Really, my opinion is that the venue and dates need to be set 6 months in advance with a tentative schedule firmed up by 2 months in order to expect any kind of participation.
We're pretty much past those dates for 2007, but I still wouldn't mind a smaller scale event in the early autumn anyway... call it a "birds of a feather" session, if you will :)
Anyone have any opinions about that?
On Jun 27, 2007, at 4:45 PM, Martin Nilsson (Opera Mini - AFK!) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
I think this one is really important reason for people not coming:
- No or poor advance agenda/schedule.