If you manage to feed install.pike the flag --no-refdoc, it won't, but I have no idea of how to do that in practice without resorting to the shady business of patching Makefiles all over the place. I think the answer to this question is on the present top three list of frequently wanted answers not provided by the pike README files at the moment.
/ Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!)
Previous text:
2004-01-27 07:24: Subject: Pike7.5-20040126-234515 snapshot(s?) "make install" porblems
Again tried to compile and install (latest snapshot), verify was ok, but on install it looped at:
if [ -f dumpversion ]; then make delete_dumped_modules; else :; fi /home/aldem/src/Pike7.5-20040126-234515/src/pike -DNOT_INSTALLED -DPRECOMPILED_SEARCH_MORE -m/home/aldem/src/Pike7.5-20040126-234515/src/master.pike -x extract_autodoc -q --srcdir=/home/aldem/src/Pike7.5-20040126-234515/src \ --imgsrc=/home/aldem/src/Pike7.5-20040126-234515/refdoc/src_images --builddir=doc_build/src \ --imgdir=doc_build/images make: *** [autodoc.xml] Interrupt
So I had to stop it (after ca. 10 minutes). The result: a _lot_ of recursively created dirs under doc_build/src. The result of strace (during execcution of this phase) was like:
lstat64("/home/aldem/src/Pike7.5-20040126-234515/src/doc_build/src/doc_build/src/doc_build/.../src/tlib/modules/Languages.pmod", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=48, ...}) = 0
"..." is a repetition of "doc_build/src" many times.
Something is definitely wrong in install process... Is there a target to install _without_ any docs/images etc?
Regards, /Al
/ Brevbäraren