Hackas av samma kille som skrivit mhash och mcrypt. Jag har inte haft tillfälle att titta närmare på det.
Från http://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/misc/gnu-crypto-projects.txt:
Latest updated 2001-09-25
Occasionally, I get questions from people who want to contibute to crypto-related GNU projects.
There are several projects that you might want to look into.
LSH is the one I'm involved in. It's an GPL:ed implementation of the secure shell protocols. Latest versions are at ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/security/lsh/. The README file (and the rest of my current CVS repository) is at http://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/lsh. Home page and mailing list information is at http://www.net.lut.ac.uk/psst.
Then there is GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL:ed implementation of OpenPGP, written by Werner Koch. See http://www.gnupg.org.
There is FreeS/WAN, the implementation of ipsec for Linux.
There's gnutls, under development by Nikos Mavroyanopoulos. Nikos also have some other crypto-related projects, including a encryption utility "mcrypt". See http://members.hellug.gr/nmav/
As for libraries, the somewhat unfortunate situation is that everybody is hacking his own library. Werner has packaged the crypto parts of gnupg into a library "gcrypt". Nikos has a written libraries mhash and mcrypt. I have a library called "nettle". They all have somewhat different goals. The design goals for Nettle is to be a low-level library, that does a single thing well, and make as few assumptions on its users as possible. I naturally urge everyone to use nettle, or at least give it a serious consideration, and tell me if and how it fits their context. See http://www.lysator.liu.se/~nisse/nettle
I'm sure there are other projects as well. You probably want to join the corresponding mailing lists, and get and compile some or all of the above and generally look around. When you find something that you want to work on, speak with the appropriate maintainer to coordinate.
For LSH, the TODO and TASKLIST files can give you some ideas about what is needed, although they are a little out of date.
/Niels Möller
/ Niels Möller ()
Previous text:
2003-01-28 15:24: Subject: Re: OpenSSL wrapper vs Pike's SSL (Was: Bz2)
Um. No? :) Where can I find this strange beast?
/ Peter Bortas