It would be nice if we could come up with an abstract interface so if someone were to write an interface to, say, FSEvents in OSX or FEN on Solaris, a developer could write common code that would work on multiple OSen.
That said, it could be a layer on top of whatever existing notification modules were written, so it wouldn't necessarily preclude action on this particular request.
On Fri, 20 Aug 2010, Arne Goedeke wrote:
I merged the Public.System.Inotify module into pike as System.Inotify. Its currently only in my git. You can fetch the branch called 'inotify' at
I would like to commit this into cvs. However, it seems to me that the current policy is not to commit anything new until 7.9 is there? Also, right now it is seperate from the dnotify in Stdio. The inotify api is different from dnotify, so it might not be possible to merge that.
All comments on the code welcome.