I've been hacking on the test watchdog a bit lately, and now it should kill the right subprocess, at least when the socket tests in src/modules/files/ hangs. So there should hopefully not be any hung processes left behind anymore.
Then it's another question why that socket test hangs so often as it does. It might be related to -DIPV6 tests; the two instances I've found in xenofarm right now both hang there, at least. It occurs apparently random on many different hosts.
for pikefarm now i wonder, are these tests even still useful? i don't see anyone else running any of feature, static or thorough.
feature: Current config args are --with-cdebug --with-security --with-double-precision --with-profiling --with-keypair-loop --with-new-multisets. The new multiset implementation is on by default (it can't even be switched off anymore). --with-cdebug doesn't test anything useful, and besides it defaults to on most of the time. --with-double-precision can preferably be combined with --with-long-long-int.
static: It's always good to have a static build.
thorough: Seems to be "feature" combined with dmalloc. That can probably enable a couple more uncommon code regions. I'm not sure that there's any use having two builds with only that difference, though.
Some more "unusual" flags that could be nice to test are --without-machine-code and --without-threads, but they both disable large code regions so it wouldn't be wise to combine them with the other "unusual" flags in the "feature" build. The static build could test one of those too, though.