Actually the problem is that:
program p = compile_file("/home/david/scripts/inherit.pike"); master()->Codec()->nameof(p);
Failed to find name of program inherit.pike. /usr/local/pike/7.5.23/lib/master.pike:3908: master()->Codec()->nameof(inherit.pike,0)
While the same works with Pike < 7.5.
Marcus Agehall (Scanian) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
It probably means that the function nameof() in the encoder failed to find the name of the program you tried to encode.
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)
Previous text:
2004-04-07 12:25: Subject: Can't encode value: Failed to find name of program
I wonder what this error mean. What is exactly the name of a program ? Could I set it in a sort of automatic way if it's not set ?
Thank you for your answer.
/ David Gourdelier
/ Brevbäraren