the solution is simple - implement it in a non-braindamaged, generic way. Don't make it easily accessible, make it harder to use - here's the cure for the itch.
/ Marek Habersack (Grendel)
Previous text:
2002-09-03 23:12: Subject: argv[0]?
I just don't understand what a fucking harm can a function, module, class whatever do just by existing, that's it.
This is the serious part... Imagine a function/module/class/language construct/whatever that does something useful, but in the wrong/non-generic/braindead way. Now give that function/module/class/language construct/whatever a really good and easily memorized name so that it is easy for newcomers to find it, even without reading the documentation.
I can give you an example. Let's introduce a top level function ls() that returns an array with lower cased file names of the files in the current working directory. This function will work great for all MS Windows programmers.
I'm sure you can come up with more interesting examples on your own.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)