Well, if that is what it takes to get things to work, it's just a docs issue. That's just another one of the things Finnman would have to address with his thesis CMOD docs for us, right? :-)
And for those of you that have not yet heard about Andreas Finnman, he is just about to start on a Master's thesis, entitled "Analysis and Documentation of the Pike C Module APIs", which, besides writing some docs for CMOD (and possibly or probably also the old C module API), will result in a glue for bzip2, similar to the Gz module.
/ Johan Sundström (nu även i Gottfridsberg!)
Previous text:
2002-09-25 16:31: Subject: COFF...
It looks likes things are getting a bit complicated. You should include module_magic after all pike includes, before the code and outside of any ifdefs. This will cause problems over and over again, just like the must-add-empty-testsuite.in-rule.
/ Martin Nilsson (Fake Build Master)