I could perhaps take a look if the build tree stays around and it's possible to start new compilations etc. But judging from the way it cleans it up, along with all the other packages needed for compilation and running, it looks like it's a bit of work to get an environment where the problem can be debugged.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-04-04 18:48: Subject: Re: 7.4.20
On Fri, Apr 04, 2003 at 06:40:03PM +0200, Johan Sundström (folkskådare) @ Pike (-) developers forum scribbled:
Being a debian package maintainer doesn't mean you should not let the upstream in on the odd problems you encounter on weird architectures, you know. ;-)
Right :). If anyone is interested in trying to solve that problem, I can grant them access to one of the ARM boxes, no problem :) - I just need their DSA key,
/ Brevbäraren