Uh, isn't the question of whether compiling pike is necessary to make depend rather orthogonal to wherher the dependecies are created from the configure script or the Makefile? I prefer to keep it in the Makefile since it makes it easier to remake the dependenices, but I agree that `make depend' shouldn't try to compile pike first.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2003-02-19 20:38: Subject: make depend (7.5 cvs)
Ok, so I ran into a problem because rusage.h has been renamed pike_rusage.h due to old dependencies. Thus I run "make depend". However this fails as well, because make depend compiles Pike. This is no good - make depend should make dependencies! I have to manually edit the 'dependencies' files.
How about using the method used by PExts instead - the configure process creates the dependencies. Works really well I think (does of course make configuration slower).
/ David Hedbor