On Fri, Dec 20, 2002 at 08:35:03PM +0100, Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS @ Pike developers forum wrote:
If you don't want to use it then simply don't use it (I won't, since I also think this syntactic sugar isn't that much better than a lambda).
It's only if you decide to use it that you can get compatibility trouble if you later want to change _your_ implementation to the new method that might get implemented. E.g. if you wrote PushPop you might have trouble replacing it later.
well, but that's not a compatibility problem, it's a problem of deciding if the new implementation fits for me. if the new way doesn't then fit then i can always go back to the old (7.2) way.
From the Pike core perspective there won't be any compatibility problems supporting the current implicit lambdas in code that uses them while at the same time providing another better method.
you mean without setting the version of the code to 7.4? i thought exactly that was the problem.
greetings, martin.