Ah, the URL should be: http://modules.gotpike.org:8000/. I'll make :80 bounce over to :8000 for convenience...
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Peter Lundqvist (disjunkt) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Btw, I'm halfway through to a usable Lua[1] binding module. Thought I could post it on modules.gotpike.org.
Cool. I've totally failed to notice its existance :)
BTW, there seems to be something wrong with the html-generation. The moduels are described as
Information &module.name
I suspect there is a missing ';' in the entitydescription or something totally different ;)
/ Peter Lundqvist (disjunkt)
Previous text:
2004-07-19 15:49: Subject: Re: cmod and pike objects
I think the idea was that as long as you were working in the Public module tree, you don't have to get anyone's permission, as long as it doesn't conflict with anyone else's module. That said, I'd probably go for something like Public.Lang.Lua; Eventually, Public is going to get crowded :)
If you need any assistance getting the module to work with monger, let me know.
Btw, I'm halfway through to a usable Lua[1] binding module. Thought I could post it on modules.gotpike.org. Question: where in the namespace would be a suitable place to put it? I've thought about Public.Lang.Lua or simply Public.Lua. Any guidelines regarding this? And, before I do, I guess I should get it to run with 7.7 and monger as well :o)
/ Brevb�raren