Yes. It seems that the problem is around the CALL_MACHINE_CODE in interpret.c - I only need to compile that file without -fomit-frame-pointer, and the error is in CALL_MACHINE_CODE.
Is the calling convention changed in -fomit-frame-pointer? Is it possible to detect and support it?
If not, I'll add so that interpret.c will be compiled with -fno-omit-frame-pointer last, if -fomit-frame-pointer is present in the optimization flags.
/ Mirar
Previous text:
2003-01-09 18:23: Subject: --with-machine-code continued
Yes, it might very well run generated machine code while it compiles, e.g. when evaluating constant values.
Generally lowering the optimization is a bit too blunt in my opinion; narrowing it down to the specific breakage and perhaps reformulating some code somewhere is a more bearable kludge. If you don't want to dig any further in it, I think the blunt kludge is instead to prononounce gcc x.xx.x broken and avoid it or perhaps lowering the optimization when it's used.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS