Yes it works, thank you.
/ David Gourdelier
*reading manual* parser_obj->max_parse_depth(17) should do it.
/ Mirar
Previous text:
2003-06-21 15:33: Subject: Parser.HTML and stack depth
I am trying to use Parser.HTML instead of parser_html for Camas. However I have the too deep recursion error with the default layout. After looking at the code it looks like the default recursion depth is 10 while I need at least 13. So I set MAX_FEED_STACK_DEPTH to 20 in modules/Parser/html.c and it works.
I would like to know if it is possible to increase this value given that I don't have an extremely strange RXML code, just a little complex, and that it works with parse_html.
-- David Gourdelier
/ Brevbäraren