How does Perl solve this?
In many ways, as usual.
Non interpolated string - single quotes: 'string' Interpolated string - double quotes: "value: $var" Funcional equivalence is q(string) and qq(string). Parenthesis may be changed to brackets, curls... Pipe is handy for html, like in qq|<body onload="func()">|. All of these may be multiline.
And as mentioned earlier: $txt = <<MARK; ... ... ... MARK
A matching regexp is usually written as /.../. The explicit form is m/.../ where slashes could be replaced to prevent the LTS (eg m|/path/| or m,xxx,). Even m#...# works, but tends to upset syntax highlighters since '#' denotes a comment in Perl.
/ Andreas Lange (tvångshemsidad)
Previous text:
2003-09-21 15:15: Subject: wish: string with other quoting then \
I think a new string syntax is way easier to learn then another solution then backslashes. Also, it can solve more problem then just regexp issues.
How does Perl solve this?
For the object oriented/functional solution, I'm still waiting for your Regexp system. :)
/ Mirar