chiyo:/tmp/pike% git log --full-diff -M -C --until=1999-02-01 src/modules/_math commit abca4daf0d9e7fd4965f63e5dc45c3173cc74230 Merge: ab24694... c35e2fe... Author: Fredrik Hübinette (Hubbe) Date: Fri Jan 1 01:03:35 1999 +0000
merged some fixes from 0.6 chiyo:/tmp/pike%
Ok, but what was actually changed in this commit? And what about the split 1998-12-21 which also modified src/modules/_math (by renaming it from src/modules/math)? That is also before 1999-02-01...
chiyo:/tmp/pike% git log --full-diff -M -C --until=1998-12-20 src/modules/math fatal: ambiguous argument 'src/modules/math': unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use '--' to separate paths from revisions chiyo:/tmp/pike%
So how do I specify a repository path rather than a working tree path then?