3.6.25 but it's nearly impossible it would be a bug in reiserfs since other application can read this file including pike's Stdio.File with a call to read().
Marcus Agehall (PacketFront) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Which version of ResierFS?
/ Marcus Agehall (PacketFront)
Previous text:
2004-08-27 01:21: Subject: Shuffler can't handle big file
Here is another bug with the Shuffler.
If I create a big file with the Shuffler (more than 2.1GB) and test this program:
Stdio.File dest_fd;
void shuffle_filename(string filename) { object shuffler; object shuffle; shuffler = Shuffler.Shuffler(); shuffle = shuffler->shuffle(dest_fd); shuffle->set_done_callback(lambda() { destruct(dest_fd);}); shuffle->add_source(Stdio.File(filename, "r")); shuffle->start(); }
int main(int argc, array argv) { object port = Stdio.Port(8080); dest_fd = port->accept(); shuffle_filename(argv[1]); return -1; }
Then if call this program with a 2.1GB file as argument and connect to port 8080, I get no data (while I should get 2.1GB of data) and the done callback is called immediatly. The same program works perfectly for files with "normal" size. The limit seem to be just above 2.0GB. Tested on Linux 2.4 with reseirfs and Pike 7.6 CVS.
/ David
/ Brevbäraren