I have been able to fix a couple of bugs in the branch by now. There are some left, which I could use some help to understand why they occur. One is triggered by the DHT.test in the bittorrent library. When running that test in the 'faster_calls' branch with debug enabled, the following fatal occurs:
------ /home/el/code/rw/pike/src/gc.c:3864: GC fatal: GC destructed parent prematurely. **Block: 0x7f0d52594180 Type: object Refs: 5 **Got gc marker at 0x753e010: flags=0x20001e refs=4 weak=2 xrefs=0 saved=4 frame=0x61b1d80 [data=0x7f0d52594180 rf_flags=0x95 prev=(nil) next=0x61b1d48 cycle_id=0x61b1d80 cycle_piece=0xffffffffffffffff link_top/last_cycle_piece=0xffffffffffffffff] **Parent identifier: 20 **Program id: 66099 **Object variables: ** rtt: mixed name: state off: 56 value: 1 ** rtt: mixed name: ping_fails off: 72 value: 0 ** rtt: mixed name: last_ping off: 88 value: 1461419197 ** rtt: mapping name: pings_inflight off: 104 value: mapping of size 0 ** rtt: mixed name: last_response off: 112 value: 1461419362 ** rtt: mixed name: check_node_callout off: 128 value: array of size 1 ** === In inherit "Node", program 66100: ** rtt: string name: node_id off: 16 value: "O\366\355\207%n\277j4fI\323\231;\332|9Vu\30" ** rtt: string name: address off: 24 value: "" ** rtt: string name: token off: 32 value: "\370\373S\252""5\336\322\25\312[\205\201qR3h]\235z\311" ** rtt: mixed name: port off: 40 value: 7010 **Describing program 0x20fd070 of object: **Got gc marker at 0x76c8cb0: flags=0x0000e refs=15106 weak=0 xrefs=0 saved=15106 frame=(nil) **Program id: 66099, flags: 308f, parent id: 66097 **Location: /home/el/local/pike/8.1.4/lib/modules/Protocols.pmod/Bittorrent.pmod/DHT.pike:601 **Object got a parent. ******************* Pike was in GC stage 400 when this fatal occurred. Backtrace at time of fatal:
Subprocess died of signal SIGABRT. ------
So apparently the parent object was destructed before its child. Does anyone have any ideas what parts of the function call part in interpret.c might be incorrect? Is the PARENT_CLONE case wrong?