Is there a way to force strong type checking with pike (7.4)? It seems that I can pass an int to a method that requires a string and assign an int to a string variable.
Dunno about Pike 7.4, but as a side note, this won't compile on default Pike 7.6.
----8<----8<----8<----8<---- string bar; bar = 42; ---->8---->8---->8---->8----
----8<----8<----8<----8<---- strict_types.pike:7:Bad type in assignment. strict_types.pike:7:Expected: string strict_types.pike:7:Got : int(42..42) ---->8---->8---->8---->8----
----8<----8<----8<----8<---- test(345); ... void test(string foo) ---->8---->8---->8---->8----
----8<----8<----8<----8<---- strict_types.pike:9:Bad argument 1 to test. strict_types.pike:9:Expected: function(string : void) strict_types.pike:9:Got : function(int(345..345) : void | mixed) ---->8---->8---->8---->8----