On Fri, Mar 19, 2004 at 07:25:01PM +0100, Henrik Grubbström (Lysator) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
How much memory and swap does the machine have?
48MB ram $ swap -l lswap path dev pri swaplo blocks free maxswap vswap 2 /disk5/.swap.virtual 128,87 3 0 409600 7728 409600 0 1 /dev/swap 128,17 0 0 81896 0 81896 0
ok, swap is full. i know i had to reboot the machine every 2 weeks while it was in active use at the university, now it has been running for 60 days. short of any other sugesstions to clear swap i'll reboot now.
Are there any hanged processes on the machine?
Is /tmp or /usr/tmp ram filesystems?
Does it fail in the same manner if you try to build by hand?
didn't try yet (am at the CeBit now, will try next week)
greetings, martin.