o> I think the warning is correct. You are probably doing something wrong
when writing a wide string like that.
Apparently you missed my point. The string isn't really wide. The problem is trying to correct the type: First x has to be changed to string(0..255), then argv has to be changed to array(string(0..255)). In real code the proliferation of the string(0..255) type can go very far.
(People familiar with C and C++ is perhaps familiar with the similar "const plague": You start with adding an innocent "const" to a function argument, and before you know it you've ended up fighting with about half of the declarations throughout the whole project to put in those pesky consts everywhere, and even so you have to add casts to get rid of the warnings from all the imported libs.)
IMO all that effort is only worthwhile if the other conditions I mentioned are addressed. It's not only a matter of missing internal typing, it's also that both the name and the semantics of the type aren't really good.