On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 6:30 AM, Guillaume Collet bilouweb@free.fr wrote:
my name is Guillaume Collet, I'm a french bioinformatician interested in Pike. This message was just to introduce myself.
I write C/C++ for for 10 years and I found Pike's features really interesting. That's why I'm here.
Welcome! I love Pike, it's a great language. Updating code on the fly is a huge feature for me. I'm right this moment talking to one of my users, and working through some bugs; he tells me of trouble, I dig into it and find out what the problem is, and then I just tell him to use the "Update Gypsum" menu item, and it downloads and applies the update... live, without disconnecting him or anything.
What sorts of programs are you looking at writing in Pike?