array a = ({ 0, 1, 2 }); a[8];
Index 8 is out of array range -3..2. HilfeInput:1: HilfeInput()->___HilfeWrapper()
Should be out of array range 0..2
Well, a[-1] == 2, a[-2] == 1 and a[-3] == 0. But I agree it's just as confusing as helpful as an error message, despite being fully correct.
/ Johan Sundström (Achtung Liebe!)
Previous text:
2004-03-25 22:45: Subject: Re: 7.5/7.7
Some machines hang in the create_process() tests: dan: tlib/modules/testsuite: test 315. cbs-server: tlib/modules/testsuite: test 319.
I get segfaults quite often when using create_process. Also the compiler is very unstable for me (See bug #3626). I'm living on #pike and I can provide you all the cores with debug symbols and things you need.
Another (little) bug:
Pike v7.5 release 23 running Hilfe v3.5 (Incremental Pike Frontend)
array a = ({ 0, 1, 2 }); a[8];
Index 8 is out of array range -3..2. HilfeInput:1: HilfeInput()->___HilfeWrapper()
Should be out of array range 0..2
/ David
/ Brevbäraren