On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 02:05:40PM +0100, Martin Bähr wrote:
it might also be worth looking at organizations like: https://www.pubsoft.org/
i have taken a closer look at that site. it is very lacking in information, and to add insult to injury, when i sent an email to the contact address i got the following reply:
Hi. This is Russ Nelson's autoresponder. Thanks for sending me email. Unfortunately, I'm going to ignore your email. I ignore all email from strangers that has any of the following characteristics: o Any 8-bit characters anywhere in the email. o Any Subject: with all capital letters. o Any Subject: written in a non-English language. o Any email from a host without reverse DNS.
Please send me a plain-text message asking me to whitelist you. Sorry for the inconvenience. Note that if your host has no reverse DNS, there's no way to get email to me unless you're whitelisted. Talk to your local system admin and/or send me email from gmail.com. Sorry for putting you through this trouble, but I need machine assistance to deal with my spam load.
not only do i find it annoying that they are asking me to jump though hoops to be able to contact them, but to reject any mail that uses anything but 7bit ascii is outright offensive!
if they are not prepared to deal with people that have a background which is outside their limites 7bit-us-ascii world then they are not suitable for us.
greetings, martin (irritated!)