So, I tried it, but without success. My program runs without errors, but there isn't anyting in the ComboBox. I tried so: ... megjegyzese = GTK2.ComboBox(); megjegyzese->set_model(modell()); megjegyzese->set_active(0); ... GTK2.TreeModel modell() { GTK2.TreeStore store; GTK2.TreeIter iter;
iter = GTK2.TreeIter();
store = GTK2.TreeStore(({"int", "int"})); // az oszlopok típusa iter = store->append(); store->set_row(iter, ({1, 2}));
return store; } ...
I can't find out what can be the problem...
From: To: Subject: gtk question Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2010 08:46:32 +0200
How can i create a combo box which can contain widgets?
Cheers: Tamás