That's already taken care of ;)
I think it's available in Pike 8.0 in Tools.Standalone.pike_to_html. There's a "convert()" (I think it's called) method in there that can be used programmatically.
And since the commenting stuff will require authentication it's the comments will be "markdowned" (except for headers). I've also made it easy to reference other pike modules/classes/methods in a comment. It's done the same way as in a pikedoc comment:
@[Protocols.HTTP.Query->async_request()] in a comment will create a link to that refdoc page.
Skickat i rörligt läge
22 apr. 2016 kl. 16:20 skrev Bertrand LUPART -
(Also: Comments should be text-only. No HTML, not even Markdown or anything. That'll discourage the linkbots.)
I guess we'd enjoy a Pike syntax hightlighter.
-- Bertrand LUPART