ab is ApacheBench, a simple test client that sends many requests for the same page.
I c.
Is a page just containing something like the following enough to trig the leak for you?
<html> <sqltable host="..." query="select * from test_table"/> </html>
That's essentially what I've tested so far and it works fine for me.
i testing 50 request with ab from a remote server on the demo module containing:
sqlqeury query="alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY-MM-DD'" --> no leaking discovered
emit#sql query: select * from technologien" scope="sql" source="sql" <insert scope="_" variables="full"/> </emit> --> leaking 133 kB for each request (44 rows)
sqltable host="energy" query="select * from technologien" --> leaking 133 kB for each request (44 rows)
emit#sql query: select COMP_DTL_ID from comp_details where modul_comp_modul_comp_id='3639' and infcont_infcont_id='26' --> no leaking discovered (after 50 requests, returning 1 row each, little data)
emit#sql query: SELECT * FROM mod_typen,infomodule WHERE INSTR ('iprojekt,publ', modul_code)>0 AND lang_lang_id=1 AND mod_typ_id=mod_typ_mod_typ_id -> leaking 4 kB for each request (2rows)
emit#sql query: SELECT kwb.KEYW_VALUE, count(kwb.KEYW_VALUE) KEYCOUNT, kwb.KEYW_TYP_KEYW_TYP_ID FROM keywords kwa, keywords kwb, keywords_modul_components, modul_components, tech_module, technologien, infomodule WHERE('1'=0 or kwb.LANG_LANG_ID='1') AND ('19'=0 or technologien.TECH_TYP_TECH_TYP_ID='19') AND ('19'=0 or kwa.TECH_TYP_TECH_TYP_ID='19') AND (0 IN (2,7) OR infomodule.mod_typ_mod_typ_id IN (2,7)) AND tech_module.modul_comp_modul_comp_id=modul_components.modul_comp_id AND tech_module.tech_tech_id=technologien.tech_id AND keywords_modul_components.keyw_keyw_id=kwa.keyw_id AND keywords_modul_components.modul_comp_modul_comp_id=modul_components.modul_comp_id AND infomodule.infmod_id=modul_components.infmod_infmod_id AND kwa.KEYW_TYP_KEYW_TYP_ID=kwb.KEYW_TYP_KEYW_TYP_ID GROUP BY kwb.KEYW_VALUE, kwb.KEYW_TYP_KEYW_TYP_ID -> no leaking (each request returned 12 rows)
/ Michael J. Stenitzer
Previous text:
2004-09-27 21:54: Subject: memory leak in oracle module
ab is ApacheBench, a simple test client that sends many requests for the same page.
/.../ as far as i see, all our pages using queries are leaking.
Is a page just containing something like the following enough to trig the leak for you?
<html> <sqltable host="..." query="select * from test_table"/> </html>
That's essentially what I've tested so far and it works fine for me.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS