Kaos wrote:
Using pike 7.6.25. I noticed that when i have module.pmod.in/module.pmod, I can't use the @module@ tag since the resulting .so-file is in the parent directory, so the typical "inherit .___Lua;" fails, since there's no such .so to load in the same dir. Not sure where/how to fix this. For now, I don't use @module@, but spell the entire path ( Public.Lang.___Lua ).
Ok, ran across this again for Ncurses now.. I added the unused (afaics) MODPATH variable to the install of the .so in dynamic_module_makefile, changed this line in the install target: $(TMP_BINDIR)/install_module module.so $(SYSTEM_MODULE_PATH)/$(MODDIR)$(MODPATH)$(MODULE_WRAPPER_PREFIX)$(MODNAME).so ;\
and then added MODPATH=Ncurses.pmod/ to my Makefile.in file, so now the ___Ncurses.so ends up in the Ncurses.pmod dir and I can again use @module@ in my .pmod files.
Not the very best approach, I see, but it does the job as work around for now :) I guess a better approach would be to fix this in install_module or similiar where it may look up the directory stats and stuff to make a sound decision for the module in question without the need to hack in the specifics in the Makefile.in.