Stephen R. van den Berg wrote:
Per Hedbor () @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Most likely the only thing you have to do to get the shuffler working is to disable the b_source_normal_file.c source by returning 0 at the very start of source_normal_file_make (eg, comment out line 88)
This is what I get as a result: ADDSOURCE Stdio.File(0, 0, 777 /* fd=26 */) 0 -1 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0xa029cd0 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0x9e971d8 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0x9e97278 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0xa094818 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0x9df7110 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0x8e09748 Shuffle[0x9df7148]:add_source(XX,0,-1) --> 0x8e09778 : HITME LATER "" Shuffle[0x9df7148]:set_done_callback(0x8cf1e24) Shuffle[0x9df7148]:start() Shuffle[0x9df7148]:_set_callbacks() Shuffle[0x9df7148]:__set_calllbacks(Pike) : CGI: CGIScript::check_pid() Cannot call functions in destructed objects. Unknown program: destructed object->function(0) _static_modules.Builtin()->Backend: Pike.Backend(0)->`()(_static_modules.files() ->sendfile()) : CGI: Wrapper::write_callback() 13:58:09 : CGI: Wrapper::read_callback(0, "Status: 0\r\nContent-type: text/html
And then all Shuffle activities cease (the destructed object is key here, in case you were wondering :-).
The patch I used, in addition to the set presented earlier, is (temporarily, not intended to be used at home like this):
RCS file: /pike/data/cvsroot/Pike/7.7/src/post_modules/Shuffler/b_source_normal_file.c,v retrieving revision 1.12 diff -u -r1.12 b_source_normal_file.c --- pike/src/post_modules/Shuffler/b_source_normal_file.c 2 May 2004 00:35:16 -0000 1.12 +++ pike/src/post_modules/Shuffler/b_source_normal_file.c 21 Jun 2004 12:58:56 -0000 @@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ push_text("files.Fd_ref"); SAFE_APPLY_MASTER("resolv",1); Fd_ref_program = program_from_svalue(Pike_sp-1); + pop_stack(); + return 0; if (!Fd_ref_program) { pop_stack(); return 0;
Note, my original patch set has not been checked in yet (since it doesn't give me a working shuffler).