I do like someone to have a look at Stenssons core dump that he gets when trying to run the hello world alert program on pelix.
That's more than likely due to pelix running GTK 2, which is not supported by the GTK module in 7.4 (I have patched the pike on pelix to somewhat support it...)
It would be bad if people trying out Pike for the first time found that the second example in our own tutorial dumps core.
It's unlikely that people trying out Pike for the first time will be running with my patches, since they are not committed or published.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2002-12-18 13:40: Subject: CHANGES
Is it done today? I don't mind getting these fixes into 7.4, but they shouldn't stop a release in my opinion. I do like someone to have a look at Stenssons core dump that he gets when trying to run the hello world alert program on pelix. It would be bad if people trying out Pike for the first time found that the second example in our own tutorial dumps core.
/ Martin Nilsson (alldaglig sebra-mongo)