7.8 blockers:
Owner Issue [/] Fallback to poll from epoll (from the conference road map). Implemented, but further testing is needed, as well as updated documentation. [ ] Fix gc of Stdio.File (from the conference road map). [ ] mast/zino New Windows build environment. [ ] per/marcus Performance regression --with-assembler. (per and marcus weren't present so item assigned without consent... per says memprotect() is responsible as far as -x benchmark goes.) [ ] zino/mast Building external modules should work. [ ] nilsson Write ChangeLog. [/] Module dumping should succeed for all modules. Currently it succeeds for all modules but 4: ! [ ] Int [ ] Tools.Standalone.dump [ ] Local [ ] Locale [ ] General dumping error: "Cannot encode overloaded functions (yet)." [ ] marcus Try to detect mismatching MySQL headers and libs in configure
[ ] jhs Build (SVG) graph from the -x benchmark results Pikefarm delivers to track development. [ ] An API for safely creating temporary files. Possibly wrapping mkstemp/mkdtemp. [ ] Update the Xenofarm package to current CVS.
If you think you could help with any of the items please do. Especially the items that have no one assigned to them yet.