[Moving to Pike general list...]
Fair enough. I've extended my RSS parser to understand both 1.0 and 2.0 files. Right now it's just the core format; I don't handle any namespace extensions, but is able to read a number of files that appear to follow the specs.
If anyone is interested, you can get it here:
If there's sufficient interest, I'll pretty it up and package it for modules.gotpike.org.
On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, Martin Nilsson (DivX Networks) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
My RSS parser is geared towards being an application of RDF. My purpose was to implement RSS, not to actually use it for anything. If you are going to use RSS for practical purposes it is probably best to not regard it as RDF, and possibly not even XML (Not that it is valid XML to begin with, only well formed).