Build 102 looks about ready for release, but Windows doesn't want to work completely as usual. I've uploaded a first try at a Windows package, but it has some problems:
DL: Symbol '_GL_add_auto_funcs' not found. C:/Program Files (x86)/Pike/lib/modules/ Warning: Failed to load library: Symbol '_GL_add_auto_funcs' not found. Compiler Error: 1:Undefined identifier "GL".
DL: Symbol '_strdup' not found. C:/Program Files (x86)/Pike/lib/modules/ Warning: Failed to load library: Symbol '_strdup' not found. Compiler Error: 1:Undefined identifier "Mysql".
Not finding strdup sounds like a silly thing to (not) do. Anyone who knows if MS has been screwing with libc in any recent updates?
SDL and GTK works, so it can't be all bad.