Hi Marcus,
I am indeed using custom modules. It is also within these modules where the error occurs. Also the code generating the problems is executed from within its own (queue-)thread.
When the (queue-)thread holding module is stopped, an end-identifier is placed in the queue in order to first finish all the left over tasks in the queue and then quit. I could just quit the entire queue-thread when the module is stopped. After adding the end-signal, it's still possible for a queue to receive new items, but they will never be executed, so that should not be the problem.
Next to that I've also noticed that the cause of the error is not always an error in the custom code: some problems have been solved by placing the error generating code 'closer' to the beginning of the close() call, so it seems to be more like a time related thingy.
It still is strange that a class function will still, erm, function, while the class variables are already gone...
On 3/29/2010 14:30, Marcus Agehall (nu med K-märkt fastighet) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Are you using any custom modules?
The reason I ask, is that I rarely see these messages and if I do, it's usually due to some error in the code.
One potential source of these messages, are threads and possibly call outs that are not properly disposed of when the the modules receive the stop signal.