On Sun, Feb 01, 2004 at 04:25:01PM +0100, Johan SundstrŅm (Achtung Liebe!) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
You can get very good load spread over multiple CPUs by running one pike process for every CPU you want to utilize.
Then I've to deal with IPC, which is not as fast as direct access to the data, even if protected by mutexes.
But I seldom use even mutexes, since almost every object (or another piece of data) is passed to processing threads for exclusive use.
There is a lot of data exchanges in my app, and some of them really big, even huge, that's one of reasons why I want multi-threading instead of separate processes.
My tests show that IPC, whatever it is, except of shared memory, is quite slow, but I can't map Pike objects and data structures to shared memory, unfortunately.
Sure, I can just use more powerful hardware for this specific task, but that would be only a workaround, not a solution :)
Regards, /Al