I have already committed a fix to that test. What happened was that the command
pike -e write("test");
was executed, and the M$ crt0.o interpred this as pike being invoked with the two arguments
-e write(test);
just like a UNIX shell would have.
/ Marcus Comstedt (ACROSS) (Hail Ilpalazzo!)
Previous text:
2002-09-24 13:31: Subject: Test 10054 (shift 1) (CRNL) failed.
The Windows version of test 10054 does something strange with the string to be compiled.
Process.popen(RUNPIKE+" -e write(\"test\");") results in 1:'test' undefined. Compilation failed. z:/home/peter/hack/xenofarm/client/pike/vmwarexp.bortas.org/buildtmp/Pike7.3-20020924-090136/build/microsoft-windows-xp-5.1.2600-x86/test-install/pike/7.3.56/lib/master.pike:254: master()->compile_string("mixed create(int argc, array(string) argv,array(string) env) {write(test);;}",0,0) ^^^^^^
/ Peter Bortas