money from the book sales is slowly coming in, together with surplus from conference fees and pledged donations we will soon reach 1000 euro.
we have not set up any bounties and i suspect that doing so, as well as finding candidates to implement the projects will take a while.
until then we need a place where this money can be stored safely with a trustworthy person.
a suitable account must be found THIS MONTH!
because i am changing employers, my current employer can not hold the money, and he also can not move it to my private account because then i would have to pay income tax on it.
i can not offer to hold the money because i am changing location to often and as i do not trust internetbanking i do not have the ability to send money my account from anywhere but only to get cash out of an ATM which does not help us here.
we need another (at least temporary) solution. and we need it quickly.
it might also be worth looking at organizations like: https://www.pubsoft.org/ but that is ib the US whereas the money currently is in europe and i suspect that most projects will also be here. international money transfers accross currency boundaries are very expensive.
bounty sites might also work but for those we need to have projects defined.
suggestions, volunteers?
greetings, martin.