On Thu, Sep 05, 2002 at 01:50:02PM +0200, Johan Sundström (risplockare) @ Pike (-) developers forum wrote:
Can we please have a little less heated conversation here, despite the feelings involved?
yes, sure, had to get this out once, as i said, i won't continue on that level (i'll try anyways, *grin*)
It helps, by making the list more focused on Pike development, which is its purpose, the way I see it. I don't think unrelated offspring discussions about lunch near IDA, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or other threads people intentionally moderate away from the pike development conference.
i agree with that, however if there is any reason what soever that people in the pike conference should see the message and if it only is to point them to the new conference, then the ones reading the conference via the list have a right to read it too.
maybe the exporter could add a note: this message has been cc'd to this conference from conference foo. then mailreaders will know what's up.
if you think that i should not need to read cc'd messages then nobody else should need to, and the cc could be dropped completely. either everybody in the conference gets the message, or nobody does, everything else is not correct.
In my opinion Hedda was to blame for not posting it in a manner that would be exported to the indended audience, rather than the exporter itself.
i disagree here. nobody is to blame for anything. the exporter should be invisible. nobody, espcially those using lyskom clients should have to care about the exporter, they should not be bitten by the fact that the exporter makes such decisions, and be forced to work around them.
If however the people on the list want to see the first message of a thread moving out of the conference, of course that could happen; it is not a hard thing to change in the exporter.
i want to see every message that gets listed in the conference.
I don't want people to get lots of junk they didn't ask for on the list.
but everybody else on the conference sees it. why should they be getting the junk. as i said above, if it is junk, then it should not be cc'd in the first place, if it isn't then list readers deserve equal treatment.
When or if I get a decent grip on which cultural differences between kom and mail/news,
there are no cultural differences between main/news vs. kom. the differences are technical. and technical differences can be solved.
the cultural difference is rather between kom users and mail users. which is something different.
the cultural difference stems from the fact that kom readers have their kom client running al day, and keep watching the forums as they to their work in paralell.
mail readers usually check their mail a few times a day.
this leads to mail tending to longer but fewer messages, with plenty of quoting, while kom has many short messages without much quoting.
however on the email side you also have people who track their mailbox as much as most people track lyskom, and if you get them together in a list, that list will develop a culture similar to kom.
the fact that email has more quoting is because email clients by default quote the previsous message, while lyskom clients do not. but this again is only a technical difference having cultural impacts.
I expect you and everybody else to respect their preferences just like they respect people to choose not to be present here, or be partially present via Hedda's import/export gateway.
that is the problem i am trying to get fixed. i do not want to be partially present.
greetings, martin.