On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 10:55:01AM +0200, Marc Dirix wrote:
Calendar.Week()->beginning() + Calendar.Day()*2 + Calendar.Minute()*480;
Result: Hour(Wed 13 Apr 2011 0:00 CEST sharp) Why doesn't it count the 480 minutes here?
it appears do be doing: Calendar.Week()->beginning() + (Calendar.Day()*2 + Calendar.Minute()*480);
Calendar.Day()*2 + Calendar.Minute()*480;
(1) Result: Hour(Tue 12 Apr 2011 8:00 CST - Thu 14 Apr 2011 8:00 CST)
so the unexpected part here too is that this moves the timeframe, but does not add to the length. we already saw this in other examples...
greetings, martin.