In this case I actually agree. Inclusive coordinates is a pain to work with, you always need that extra -1.
It's sort of hard to change now, though. :-)
/ Per Hedbor ()
Previous text:
2004-08-10 12:19: Subject: Image.Image
Eew, even more inconsistencies! If (0,0)-(0,0) is a zero-sized image, it's not intuitive that (20,20)-(20,20) produces a 1x1 image. Also, having one API function require corner point plus size and a second two corner points is another unfortunate inconsistency.
Ideally the Image classes should have defined coordinates to identify the grid in between pixels. I guess I'm spoiled by QuickDraw which uses a well-defined model in this regard.
Noone has protested against that, so far.
Well, consider it done. :-)
/ Jonas Walldén