Yes, it might very well run generated machine code while it compiles, e.g. when evaluating constant values.
Generally lowering the optimization is a bit too blunt in my opinion; narrowing it down to the specific breakage and perhaps reformulating some code somewhere is a more bearable kludge. If you don't want to dig any further in it, I think the blunt kludge is instead to prononounce gcc x.xx.x broken and avoid it or perhaps lowering the optimization when it's used.
/ Martin Stjernholm, Roxen IS
Previous text:
2003-01-09 17:35: Subject: --with-machine-code continued
The problem seems to go away if I lowered the optimization levels (from make.conf).
Something in yyparse seems to go wrong with too much optimization - I'm not sure if the machine code is directly involved, it might very well be overoptimization of the code used to generate the machine code.
Or does it run generated machine code while it compiles?
If the problem goes away by lowering the optimization levels for yyparse.c, should I make it do so per default, locally for yyparse.c?
/ Mirar