My guess is that dtox means "DOS to UNIX" and sets line end conversion.
/ Martin Nilsson (provokatör)
Previous text:
2004-04-06 14:52: Subject: WINAPI
Sounds reasonable.
Next question: What the heck does the __dtoxmode() function-call found in fdlib.c do? And more important, where is it supposed to be defined. To me it looks like it's somewhat undocumented. I can find it within the MSVC7 crt libs, but not in any include-files. Nor can i find anything about it using google.
The __dtoxmode() is the last thing that stops my pike from compiling at this point. (Although I don't know if the result will be usable. Commenting out the call to _dtoxmode() results in a pike that can execute, but does cannot load files and thus fails when attempting to resolv getopt.)
/ Marcus Agehall (Scanian)