can you summarize the changes that have been done since the conference?
not sure if all of these were 7.6 material: (taken from a post by mast, conference notes and memory)
module make system (cleanup, document, add local_install target) change proccess name (marek did some work on that but stumbled on some portability barrier i think) detach process from console aclocal for pike detection iterator api document C api more describe memory handling in manuals ipv6 finish the implementation of the "variant" feature better implicit lambda implement this_function() pike security internationalisation / localization embedding
done already?:
fix memory overwrite bug in the "uses" array in peep.c fix bug which caused a fatal in the gc
other small things:
implement a variant of _locate_references add a function or option to create_process that conveniently starts a pike interpreter with another pike script dump pike backtraces on SIGSEGV fix odd indentation of the output from %O for e.g. arrays fix LXR view of the pike source on the pike site
not tied to the release per se, but might be nice to announce together:
pike community (need more help building the interface) module repository
other items from the conference: configuration examples
greetings, martin.