So, I'm updating ghilfe to use GTK2, and I'm getting the following
Bad argument 1 to indices(). Expected string|array|mapping|multiset|
Unknown program: indices(0)
ssion(({ /* 4 elements */
" ",
/home/riffraff/bin/at()->MyEvaluator()->add_buffer("int i;")
at.pike:101: /home/riffraff/bin/at()->run(@0=GTK2.Entry,@0)
_static_modules.Builtin()->Backend: Pike.Backend(0)->`()()
This is from the function run(), where it calls:
This is in parse_expression (as shown above), at the statement:
rel_parser(expr, (multiset)(indices(variables)) );
The problem is, variables is only initialized if you load a program
first (with ghilfe). If you don't, variables is 0, an uninitialized
So, I think perhaps it might need to be modified to:
if (mappingp(variables))
rel_parser(expr, (multiset)(indices(variables)) );