trying to make a complete list of reserved words in pike.
i found all of these in language.yacc, and i hope the list is complete.
they are grouped loosly by type, with each line representing a subgroup
based on a gut feeling. i would appreciate any suggestions for better
categorization, and expecially any explanations of what the keywords in the
last two groups do.
array mapping multiset object function program string float int
void mixed
related to types:
enum typedef
flow control:
if do for while else foreach case switch
break continue return
special "functions":
sscanf typeof
special blocks:
catch gauge
class lambda
don't know how to name that group:
import inherit
class access:
final static private local public
i don't know what these do, but they seem to belong to class access:
nomask inline extern optional variant
i have no clue what these are:
default predef global