when doing search i get the following strange error.
can anyone explain what this is about?
> search(({ 3,4,5,1,2,3 }), "a");
Compiler Error: 1:Bad argument 2 to search.
Compiler Error: 1:Expected: function(string, string | int, void | int :
int) | function(array((0=mixed)), 0, void | int : int) |
function(mapping((1=mixed):(2=mixed)), 2, void | 1 : 1) |
!(function(!array, mixed, void | int : mixed) | function(!mapping,
mixed, void | int : mixed)) & function(mapping | array, mixed, void |
int : zero)
Compiler Error: 1:Got : function(array(int(3..3) | int(2..2) |
int(1..1) | int(3..5)), string : void | mixed)
greetings, martin.