It's not that graceful when limit is hit.
> string f="";
> for(int i; i<1024*1024; i++) { f+="int i"+i+";\n"; }
> compile(f);
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x080eee50 in low_add_to_identifiers (state=0x83a7768, ARG=
{name = 0x85abdd0, type = 0x82b9570, identifier_flags = 0 '\0', run_time_type = 251 'û', opt_flags = 0, func = {c_fun = 0x40ff8, offset = 266232}})
at /home/nilsson/Pike/7.5/src/program_areas.h:19
19 FOO(unsigned INT16,struct identifier, struct identifier, identifiers)
/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)
Previous text:
>2004-01-15 20:14:
>Subject: file limits
>If there is one, it's not less then 65536, I hope.
>It might be that the source code files are limited to 4Gb.
>Ie, report when you hit the limits and I'm sure someone will fix it. :)
> / Mirar