(Not tested with the absolutely latest Pike)
The Gmp-functions don't have a correct behaviour:
> pow(2, pow(2, pow(2, pow(2, pow(2,pow(2,2))))));
Compiler Error: 1:Error evaluating constant.
Compiler Exception: Too many argumentsUnknown program: pow(HilfeCompileHandler,-1,-1)
There are only two arguments there! And there should be some sort of
space in "argumentsUnknown"
> pow(2, 65536423423423423);
(7) Result: 65536423423423423
> 8->pow(34534534534534534534534534545);
Gmp.mpz->pow: Non int exponent.
HilfeInput:1: ___HilfeWrapper()
Seems OK, but "Non int exponent." could be changed to "Exponent bigger
than a non-bignum integer.".
> 8->pow(34534534);
Segmentation fault
Not good! I think this is an out of memory problem, so you have to
change 34534534 to something that works on your computer.